
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Inclusive Pedagogy

 According to The Teaching Commons, “inclusive pedagogy is a is a method of teaching in which instructors and classmates work together to create a supportive environment that gives each student equal access to learning” (The Teaching Commons, 2020). This method takes a collaborative and co-constructive approach to classroom instruction. I believe inclusive pedagogy shares some similarities to culturally responsive pedagogy as well. 

While browsing the resources on The Teaching Commons webpage I came across several strategies for inclusive pedagogy in the classroom. I think it is very important to “set the stage” to create an inclusive classroom environment. As a student, it is quite clear when instructors do not respect or care about the individuals in their classrooms. Because of this experience, when I was teaching I attempted to set expectations upfront. I found it interesting that the resource brought up that inclusive teachers should be prepared to hold a dialogue with students who disagree with the practice. I agree that this is an important practice to uphold inclusive pedagogy because even if a student does not agree with you or the practice there still needs to be mutual respect in the classroom. The aspect of setting the stage is critical for enacting the other strategies within inclusive pedagogy including preparing students for offensive material and having difficult conversations. It is much more difficult to introduce these later strategies if you have not first established trust and respect for an inclusive classroom.

Overall, I think inclusive pedagogy is an important practice in alignment with culturally responsive pedagogy. These pedagogies and related pedagogical practices can help elevate the classroom experience for both teachers and learners.



  1. Hi Sophia.
    Thank you for sharing your perspective on setting the stage in the classroom. I know with my teaching experience I have collaborated with students on establishing class visions, missions, expectations, and consequences, however I had never considered setting the stage for dialogue about how instruction is delivered in the classroom. I have often provided choice and options, however it never occurred to me to have a discussion about the teaching practice. I found this equally fascinating. I agree it is important to co-construct a mutually respectful, inclusive and equitable classroom environment. I know I will plan to include a dialogue in the future. I would have liked the opportunity to do this in some of my classes.

  2. I agree with you. I am a GTA for a class this semester called Educating Exceptional Learners. The students in the class will teach in K-12 education. I encouraged students in a recent video lecture to make sure they respect students.

    I like how you discuss respect as the foundation for creating an inclusive classroom. Mutual respect is extremely important. I also believe teachers should bring their whole selves to their teaching as a way establish respect. I always feel immediate respect for my teachers who talk about their lived experiences.


Critical Pedagogy

This week’s focus was critical pedagogy, a philosophy of education grounded in critical theory. Paulo Freire believed that “teaching should ...